Senin, 20 Juni 2022

first trimester miscarriage

She disappeared from her mother to Avery in August 2008 4 weeks later.
Lex, lost January 25, 2009, 8-9 weeks
And Ryan, who disappeared 5 weeks later on November 16, 2009.
Louisville, Kentucky

On September 10, 2005 we married Matt. Three months later we stopped birth control for only 3 weeks and it turned out we were pregnant. I had a great pregnancy, I really enjoyed everything. I do not have a problem. AD August 27, 2006 We are happy with my wonderful son Noah. life is beautiful When Noah was 1 1/2 years old we decided to join our happy family. So we started trying.

The first time it happened so fast that I wish it would happen again soon. It took 8 months to get pregnant! I'm very upset that this isn't happening, but very excited to see these two lines in the test. It was Monday August 4th 2008. I was only 4 weeks old and I knew Noah and I were waiting for an appointment because I knew I had to leave at least 8 weeks before the doctor's visit. I saw this on Wednesday the 6th. I was scared because I wasn't bleeding with Noah. So I called the doctor and he said the spot could be normal and if it got worse he said call again.
Unfortunately, it only got worse. So I called back and was told I could have an early morning abortion. So they did a blood test to see where my level was and it was definitely low. And after two weeks of blood tests, I confirmed I wasn't pregnant. I find that difficult! i feel like a loser As if I was somehow wrong. Everyone said, "Something happened to me" or "Something's wrong with the baby"... He had to make me feel good! After all, it's not. In general. The doctor told me that these things would happen and I could try again in two months.
I am ready to start training immediately and Matt. On New Year's Eve 2008 I realized that I had to get pregnant again! After 4 weeks I was very happy and scared to death at the same time. What if it happens again? My husband told me not to think like that and be happy. Easy. So I did what I called the doctor. They wanted to see me up to 8 weeks, even with a miscarriage. So I made an application. I thank God all day without seeing His blood! Then at seven weeks I started seeing. My heart is broken. I called the doctor and they let me in. They did an ultrasound and I could see and hear my little heartbeat! He said the ultrasound is a good sign to see the heartbeat. I was still bleeding more than the doctor wanted but said there was nothing I could do. If I had an abortion, it would happen. I'm so annoyed! After all, there was nothing they could do! When the bleeding got worse he would tell me to call him. 9 Sunday Saturday January 24th. I left work early because I was bleeding and in severe pain. That evening I went to bed early. I am very sad. I woke up in the middle of the night with excruciating stomach pains. I got up to go to the bathroom with blood running down my legs. I started to cry. The pain went away, so I cleaned up and went back to bed. So I think they were in pain because it took about two hours. I'm up and down all the time. Seriously, I thought I was going to die. I lay in bed in the bathroom between jogs and cried. Matt just hugged me and said it's okay. How is that? We lost our baby! When I decided to call the doctor, he started to calm down. He called me for pain medication and wanted an ultrasound on Monday. I feel so empty. I knew my baby was missing, so I didn't need an ultrasound to tell me.
On Monday I had an ultrasound and found that it wasn't all over yet. I need a D&C I was so pissed off at the time... I want this to stop. So sign up for D&C on Friday. The process itself is not that bad. I have a mild physical illness and there is no recovery... I went to dinner that night. It was just an emotionally debilitating experience. I went back to the test and it still shows a positive pregnancy test result! Is it right !! i want to scream Not D&C?? To get rid of them all?? My doctor told me to wait a week and take another test. Fortunately, when I passed the analysis at home, it was negative. The doctor told me I would have to give up for at least 3 months before I could try again. I was willing to try again after those 3 months but Matt refused. I hate seeing you go through this. He didn't want me to face him again. Bless her heart, she did everything to help me, but what can she say to make it better...nothing. So it took a while before I agreed to try again.
ADVERTISEMENT On November 9, 2009, she received a positive pregnancy test. Matt was very happy but I wasn't expecting much. I can't imagine going back here again. Unfortunately I was right. A few days later I started bleeding. I went to the doctor and did an ultrasound. I have to look at my beans. It's too early to see or hear a heartbeat, but my son is on screen. I said goodbye I lost beans in 5 weeks on November 16th. I cry all the time! I'm looking for a culprit and unfortunately criticizing meta. Not because he had anything to do with it. I just have to be mad at what happened to us! I'm mad at God... How could he let this happen to our family again? Aren't we impatient? I don't even want to go to church. I am always angry... Seeing someone tell me they are pregnant or pregnant is like a punch in the stomach! It's not that I'm not happy with them... but I keep thinking... Why? Why not me? They said, "Everyone thanks Noah." I am very grateful to him! I thank God every day because I don't know how I would have survived without him. I love it more than life! But I still don't understand the pain and sadness of losing our children. I realized what helped me to name our oats. This brought me some closure. My angel children are Avery, Lex and Ryan. I pray I don't miss their meeting and date. you are part of me I'm afraid people don't understand that. They tell you not to talk about it or just move on. You are my children! I don't care if I see them or not, they still have my kids and I miss them every day!
I went to the fertility doctor and did a lot of tests. there is nothing wrong with that. All they found was that I had cystic fibrosis and two tumors in my stomach. I had surgery to remove everything. But the doctor said that's not why I lost the child. Very annoying! As strange as it may seem, I hope they find something wrong, so get some answers as to why this happened to our family. The doctors do not understand why we should not try again and the pregnancy is successful. So this gives me hope! It also helps me control my anger. And recently I was able to let go of my anger and ask God for forgiveness knowing that my angel is in His hands now. Although I don't get it... he has a purpose. Now that I am taking hormones during ovulation it will help me get pregnant. I've been doing this for about a year. I hope this works because I don't know if I can afford another loss. I really want to get pregnant. Please pray for me that this treatment will be useful for us!!

You can contact Sarai at

Chromosomal abnormalities

The mother of an angel
He was born on March 4, 2011 in Summerland.
San Antonio, Texas

My fianc and I have been living together for three months and I didn't even talk to my parents about my engagement when I wasn't having my period. It's not too late. Address. I'm on birth control so I don't think it's very important, I'm just overreacting. Eventually, after waiting at least a few points for a week and showing nothing, I broke down and bought a pregnancy test kit. I was given three packs of electronic tests that clearly said "pregnant" or "not pregnant" after I urinated. I did my first job in a McDonald's lounge. I was so nervous that I urinated too much (I didn't even know it was possible) and it failed. The second one I did the next day in the Arabic bathroom. It said "pregnant" but I couldn't believe it so I used the latter and the results were stable. When I was 20, I got pregnant with an unwanted child.

I told my fiance until we went to bed that night because I was so nervous. Finally, I grabbed my lipstick and wrote "We have a problem" in the bathroom mirror, pointing to where I had a positive pregnancy test. I thought he would be more angry, but he was very supportive, he hugged me when I cried, said it shouldn't happen now, and asked what we should do. It didn't take long (one or two days) before we decided to hold the baby. We want kids. Maybe it’s not a plan right now, but we wanted a baby, and the knowledge that the fetus already has a heartbeat has closed the deal for me. I am a military doctor. As well as your patient's breathing, the most important thing is their heartbeat. In my eyes, the heartbeat means life, and who am I to stop? To be sure, we went to the family planning center to have a blood test. The results are positive.

We didn't tell our parents, just a few good friends. Everything seems to be fine with the pregnancy. I feel a little nauseous in the morning and I'm more tired than usual, but overall I feel better (when my dad and I went to the clinic to help the nurse and when we thought about the light we almost didn't work) . Small method, but I didn't think about it). My first appointment, about 8 weeks later, was just talking to the nurse and giving blood for all the normal tests. All tests are back to normal, so we assume that everything is OK.

At 12 weeks I came to a very excited appointment, my fianc was by my side. I'm finally starting to accept this baby, even waiting for it; I was convinced it was a girl. We talk about names and godparents. When they told me to lie down to check my heart rate with Doppler, I was so excited that I couldn't breathe. I realized there was something wrong with just a few seconds, but the nurse didn't seem to mind. "It's the mother's heartbeat," he said of the words we only hear. Then "maybe a little less." Finally, he asked if I had ever been told that I had a crooked uterus.

After what seemed like an eternity, the nurse left and returned with a portable ultrasound machine. They tried to search my stomach, but they found nothing. They then called a doctor who tried to do an internal ultrasound. After feeling like eternity, the nurse said to my fianc, "Look. This is your baby." I almost cried with joy. That's good! It's too small, but it's okay! Then came the part I didn't want to hear: talking about the ultrasound, asking about the first day of my last period ("Are you sure?" Two days later I had an ultrasound. The technician came out of the office with a radiologist and a tissue and returned.) Come on, which she gave me because the news was seriously announced: the baby was born, but measured at 6 to 12 weeks instead and there was an inconsistency in the yolk sac.We were told there was a high risk of damage, if I had bleeding or cramps Then I should call the clinic or go to the emergency room.

Four weeks later, I'm still fine, which means I have the symptoms of a normal pregnancy. No bleeding or convulsions. I prayed for a miracle and was sure that I was heard. I, the man - we got married two days ago - could not stay with me on the appointment after 16 weeks, but he dropped me off and promised to come back as soon as possible, indicating that if something went wrong he would want me to be there for me. Was, but it waves off. If something goes wrong, I'm sure I already know - right?

Suddenly, I recovered from my 12-week test: I was reviewing test results in bed while Doppler gel was applied to my abdomen. Same question. "Are you sure you are 16 weeks old? If you are wrong, it will explain to you ..." The nurse seems to be looking for an explanation, because my baby is well, but I knew he was wrong. I know when my period is. He must be wrong. Maybe he didn't catch Doppler in the right place. Maybe he doesn't know what he's doing.

He then asked for an ultrasound, only this time it did not say "as soon as possible" "stat", a medical term meaning "something went wrong". In the ultrasound room, a boy of a big happy pregnant woman is crawling on her lap. I heard the ultrasound technician talk to her and say, "Since you're bleeding, we want you to come now, but we don't have a place right now." Can you come in the morning? "I thought yes, this is: I have to wait until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I do not know when I will be at home. I was at the counter, I gave him my ID and he will force me to bring it immediately. I realized it was worse than I thought. My baby wasn't just small. They thought he was dead. Four weeks of sex testing and I was in a hurry, the woman was bleeding because my baby's heart wasn't beating. But at the same time, I denied it. Throughout the scan, the ultrasound technology removed the screen from me. One day he left the room to talk to the radiologist, then he came back to take more pictures, took me outside and said someone would call to let me know.

I cried all night and angrily searched for something that could explain and give a positive result. It's nothing, I can't find anything, but I'm sure it's somewhere if I look hard enough. My child's life seemed to depend on finding answers, but I never did.

The next morning the nurse called me. He needed to talk to me, and the way I could stop at the lab, he had to do some testing. I can't remember at any point in the conversation that he said there was no heartbeat, but I remember I was shocked. I remember asking myself - why me? This baby wasn't planned, I thought, but I wanted to. Why do we want it to die? I did everything right. As my husband took me to the hospital I repeatedly asked myself if we could talk to the nurse about my doctor's recommendation.

Because they said it was unknown. They call it "missed pregnancy" or "fetal death", probably due to a chromosome abnormality. The nurse suggested that it was just an invalid pregnancy, that it should be recognized soon, and apologized as if it were her fault for not being recognized. It made me angry. Of course it's worth it. We saw heart rate at 12 weeks. They said, "Here's your baby," pointing to the slightly vibrating gray mass on the screen. Our baby.

I was assigned to D&C. Physicians, now that there were several, did not want to wait for a normal abortion because they were not sure how long it would take my body to understand the damage and the longer it would take, the greater the risk of infection and other complications. They apologized and promised that the loss would not mean that something was wrong with me. Despite all my considerations, I was angry at the doctor and the hospital. Why did I book my operative appointment at the maternity clinic? Why does everyone ask me if I got pregnant in the last 90 days in the pre-survey? Of course I got pregnant in the last 90 days! I am 90 days pregnant. That's why I was there. Don't read the card?

Then, on March 4, 2011, I said goodbye to my baby forever. I was left out and when I woke up it was all over. My first pregnancy ended in a coma when a team of doctors and nurses removed my baby's remains from my body. I am deaf and confused. I still have a few days left. Less than a month has passed since this writing. I'm finding out the gender this week and I'm still counting down to August 10th, my due date. I pray for the best but deeply I know it will always hurt and I will always miss the angel who was our first child.

You can contact her at

Fatal Diagnosis

Mother of Angel Garcia
He was born and died on April 30, 2010

On October 28 , 2009, I took a home pregnancy test because I was a few days late and knew I was probably going to get pregnant.  My Mirena was taken out in July when Tim and I decided we wanted another child.  In November I had my first prenatal visit and Tim and I were shocked when an ultrasound technician told us there were three heartbeats.  It was supposed to be number four, but now we've learned that it will also be number five and six!
Tim thought it must be a mistake, I immediately thought about how we would survive without my income, as I will be busy with three children!  Tell everyone and show everyone our ultrasound from our 8th week of pregnancy. last.  I surfed the internet, subscribed to Super Twin Mothers, and read everything I could.  I wanted to know what to expect as it happened? 

At 13 weeks, I went to my first perinatal appointment.  I knew something was wrong when the technician left the room after measuring only two of the three babies.  I told my husband that I thought something was wrong with a friend and he agreed.  Then the doctor came into the room and explained what the technician was looking at.  One of my triplets died at around 12 weeks, one had omphalocele (a birth defect in which the baby's intestines or other abdominal organs protrude from the navel) and one of his legs appeared abnormal.  My heart sank.  In the short time it took until the lab tech came out and the doctor entered the room, I braced myself to hear that one had passed and I had two left.  I thought, well, I can handle the twins, that's God's plan.  I was not ready to hear that there is also a congenital malformation incompatible with life!  Then we went to another doctor's office with tears in our eyes and a broken heart to another doctor in the same building.  

 They gave us three options.  It ends the whole pregnancy, it seems like something is wrong since you died and you have all these birth defects.  To rule out genetic defects, do a CVS (chorionic villus sampling), then see a twin transfusion specialist and end the life of the child with this defect so that surviving triplets have the best chance of survival.  The third did nothing, and the doctors were against it.  It hurts me to admit it, but it's important to be honest and understand that I emotionally failed to make a rational decision.  I wanted to run!  I had such strong emotional pain and I just wanted the pain to go away!  I started thinking about how exhausting this pregnancy will be, what if I can't handle it, what if I go crazy?  I had three perfect pregnancies and always got pregnant very easily.  So why are you doing this to me? We have to leave.   The doctor left the room so Tim and I could talk about it, and I told Tim my thoughts and he disagreed.  Tim thought we should do our best to save the baby.  It was an emotional discussion.  No matter how Tim felt, it was my body and I was carrying these babies and having medical procedures.  

 I agreed to get CVS and get out of there.  So we headed to another doctor's office in the same building.  I watched with an ultrasound as the doctor inserted a needle into my stomach and took a sample of the placenta along with my lifeless triplets.  The next three days I spent in bed with cramps and depression, one of those days was Christmas.  On the third day, a nurse calls me and tells me that the genetic test is negative and that the children are genetically OK.  Babies are the same children. 

My next meeting was with Dr Walkers in Kirkland WA , specializes in a procedure that involves cutting a common blood vessel when transfusing twins to twins.  They examined my children for a 4D ultrasound and explained their plans for my children.  In a child who has been diagnosed with Limb Body Wall Complex (PCB) , it is a congenital condition characterized by very severe malformations of the limbs and anterior body wall . The complex includes two or three of the following malformations: encephalopathy or fissure encephalocele (a rare condition in which bony areas appear and sometimes cover the skin on one or both sides of the face), thoracoschisis (congenital malformation). if organs protrude into the chest ) and/or abdominal schizophrenia (a birth defect in which organs protrude into the abdominal cavity ) and limb defects. Scoliosis and short umbilical cord are also common. Other signs such as defects in internal organs (heart, intestines, genitals, or urinary tract) and preservation of the extraembryonic body (three different fluid-filled spaces outside the developing embryo) have been seen in LBWC cases. The exact cause of the complex has not been established.    There was a chance that the baby would die before birth, and because they have the placenta and the blood vessels, if he dies it can lead to bleeding and the death of a healthy baby.  They wanted to close the umbilical cord ( This procedure is carried out in the uterus, through an inductor placed in the bag of a sick child under ultrasound control. The umbilical cord is captured with special pliers and an electric current is passed between the claws, the blood vessels c the fruit will die.) So I'm going to make an appointment in two weeks when I'm 16 weeks old and my uterus is big enough for the procedure. 
He didn't want to wait if it was something he had to do, he wanted to do it and do it. 

Well, nothing seemed to happen and we had to wait.  It was emotionally painful for me to realize that I had taken the life of one of my children.  I cried all the way to the meeting.  A team of specialists came, examined my children for an ultrasound and discussed their plan.  The baby's umbilical cord is very short, and instead of being a couch with two veins and an artery, two separate veins and an artery, come out of my placenta and into three different parts of the baby's body.  The operation could not be performed.  Now they want me to come twice a week to check on the kids and make sure the pregnancy is going well. Now the goal is to get me to 20 weeks and use a laser to separate the blood vessels.   If it looks like a child with LBWC is about to die, they will take the risk and cut the blood vessels early. 

I start visiting these specialists once or twice a week.  The ultrasound technician is very responsive letting me know what he is looking at and explaining everything he sees. I was fired because I didn't live up to my boss's expectations.  There could be no more relief!  My children already have names, Angel is my sick son and Isaiah is my healthy son.  Omphalocele, which contains the Angel's intestines, and we believe other organs that appear to be missing are larger than it.  The omphalocele rests on my belly and presses it against my placenta.  Isaiah is sitting in the upper right, and Angel is leaning in the lower left, his leg just above my cervix.  Sometimes they stand face to face; Sometimes Isaiah puts his foot directly on the angel's head.  We look at Angel's chest and see that his heart appears to be beating outside of his chest, then straightens up and feels almost normal.  He doesn't have a club foot, as we thought.  They'll never be able to find his kidneys, but he's got a lot of amniotic fluid in his bladder.  His height and heartbeat are still very similar to his brother's, his brain looks normal, his limbs look normal. Her omphalothelium shrinks over time so she can move more, but because of her short umbilical cord, she's still above my cervix.   I fight in the hope that a miracle will happen and everything will be fine for him.  The realist in me says, "You know how this is going to end, just enjoy your time with it." My placenta covers the entire front of the uterus making it nearly impossible to perform blood vessel separation procedures.  I joined groups with other women who used it because they knew their babies would die.  It was very boring to read your stories, but they helped prepare me for what was to come.  I guess I start the duel with small spoons.  I visited the hospital, met the staff and explained my situation.  I was prepared for what my C-section would be like, what the intensive care unit would be like, and wrote down my wishes for the birth plan.  I organize two photo sessions with Now I Lay Me Down to sleep photographers for pregnancy and childbirth photos.  In the hospital, I was given books to read to my other children about the death of a child and why mom and dad would be sad.  A book about resuscitation, what makes special beds, monitors, ventilators and why a child should be there.  My two eldest are 15 and 7 years old, and the youngest is a 4 year old girl. 

After 28 weeks my fibronectin test was positive so I was asked to go back to the doctor. Checked cervix and showed 0.9, so put to bed until 32 weeks. I received a lot of help from my family and friends to take care of my children at home while I was in the hospital waiting for the children to be born and Angel to die.  I didn't want this day to come.  I'm 5ft 1in tall and it was very difficult for me to hold these babies, but I just didn't want to say goodbye to Angel.  I remember I was very angry with my mother because she said to me, “Aren't you angry?  My child is going to die, what's interesting here? 

We tried to keep the weight off on 5/7/10 (32 weeks) but I started contracting early Friday morning (31 weeks). At 8 am , I extended to 3 am, then to 10 am . M. at 5 a.m. . I only managed to do 1 injection of steroids. The procedure was very complicated because Angel was taking up a lot of space and they wanted to be the first to see Isaiah while he was drugged. I lost a lot of blood and I need a transfusion. Isaiah came out crying, weighing 3 pounds 1 ounce. He was fine for 31 weeks, breathed on his own, and could engage a kangaroo. Angel weighed 3 pounds 8 ounces, never cried, took a deep breath, then stopped; Every time he spoke, he started to breathe again. He was photographed with his brother and they gave him back to me and I was still breathing a little. He was blessed and then he left. I took him to my room and the nurses made him an album with prints of hair, arms and legs. That night I slept with him and said goodbye in the morning. I'm happy to know what to expect and everything was well planned, no surprises.

Angel's condition wasn't as bad as they thought, and the body wall of the limbs wasn't diagnostic, as everything was fine with the limbs. He looked perfect, like his brother, except for that bag.  We did the autopsy because my husband and I needed to make sure we made the right decision not to save him. Angel had no diaphragm or rectal foramen, and the omphalocele contained his liver and intestines.

My husband and I cry when we think of him, it was hard to watch him die. I'm grateful he heard and recognized my voice, but it was hard to see how he started breathing again in response to my voice. The pain I feel is so deep. I know he's in heaven and one day I'll be with him, but losing a child hurts.

The children in our intensive care unit have a separate bedroom with a parental bed, toilet, shower and a small refrigerator.  My husband and I will take turns spending the night at Isaiah's.  The hospital was 30 miles from our house, so it was difficult to spend time at home with Isaiah and our children.  Finally, 5 weeks later, Isaiah returned home weighing 5 pounds.  My surviving triplets have quite a rich birth history and they are helping me survive my grief for Angel.  I still think about what could have happened and why.  I see almost no plurality.  Next month, Isaiah will be one year old.  I am always at home with him.  I'm working with everyone again, so it's a gift.  I have a new perspective on my life.  I have a new understanding of my children.  I am so aware of the gifts in my life.  I'm grateful for what I have, instead of focusing on what I want.  Maybe that was my lesson.  

You can contact Sylvia at

first trimester miscarriage

will She disappeared from her mother to Avery in August 2008 4 weeks later. Lex, lost January 25, 2009, 8-9 weeks And Ryan, who disappea...